
Easy White Chocolate Blueberry Lemon Bars

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White chocolate…Blueberries…Lemon Bars…really? what’s not to drool over with this decadent twist on ordinary lemon bars. Rich, sweet puckers of love in every delicious bite. This easy white chocolate blueberry lemon bar recipe right here is why God gave man fruit and butter and white chocolate and shortbread crust!

individual and stacks of white chocolate blueberry lemon bars on a crystal plate
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Whip these up for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or Easter or any day of the week and make everyone happy they know you!

White Chocolate Blueberry Lemon “Love” Bars

My memories of luscious Lemon Bars go way back to my sweet mom making them for very special occasions. Like for company or funerals…you know…those kind of special moments. I now know why she waited for an “occasion”; because my brother, dad and I would have devoured them if they were in the house for any other reason!

White Chocolate Blueberry Lemon Bars Stacked on a crystal serving plater with lemons in the background

Now I make them for my family and this birthday season I decided to put a spin on the classic lemon bar and add blueberries and white chocolate. Yes, they were as good as they sound and lasted about as long as the usual lemon bar feast…24 hours between all four of us.

How Do You Make White Chocolate Blueberry Lemon Bars?

White Chocolate Blueberry Lemon Bars are very simple to make, it’s basically a three bowl recipe, one for the crust, one for the lemon filling, and then one small bowl for melting the white chocolate. And then, of course, the glass baking dish.

To make the best tasting bars you must use real ingredients, no bottled lemon juice or plastic margarine for these sweeties. The real stuff is a must!

Yummy Shortbread Crust

As any lemon bar lover will tell you, “It’s the crust that makes the magic”. I cannot stress this enough! In this shortbread recipe, I have added oatmeal, almonds, cardamom and lemon zest.

These added ingredients are a game changer folks! The oatmeal and almonds make the crust a little bit crispy to the bite while still remaining soft and buttery.

The cardamon adds a sweet little spice and the lemon zest adds just that extra bit of sweet, sour pucker. I’m telling ya…you won’t make it any other way from now on!

Below is the result of my 30+ years of many crust experiments.

  • Flour, I find that all purpose, non bleached is the best to use.
  • Quick Oats
  • Confectioner’s Sugar
  • Almonds, sliced
  • Butter
  • Cardamen
  • Lemon zest
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4 picture collage on making the shortbread crust for the lemon bars

The Best Lemon Bar Filling

This lemon filling is in one word Delish! I’ve tried so many different lemon bar recipes. I always go back to the original I started with; a recipe from the Blue Denim Gourmet Cookbook my mom gifted me when I moved into my first apartment after college.

2 picture collage of lemon bar filling ingredients and mixing


  • Eggs
  • Sugar
  • Lemon Juice
  • Flour
  • Baking Powder
  • Coconut (optional)
  • Blueberries or Raspberries (optional)
  • vanilla or Almond Extract (optional)

Mixing It All Together

  1. Whisk the sugar, flour and baking powder together.
  2. Add beaten eggs and whisk, then add the fresh squeezed lemon juice and extract; whisk again. Make sure it incorporates well and the lemon juice doesn’t sit on the eggs. The lemon will “cook” the eggs if not blended well together.
  3. Stir in the fresh blueberries and gently stir. If you want to add coconut also do it in this step.
  4. Pour the filling mixture into the warm crust and bake for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees or until firm and doesn’t jiggle in the middle.
Collage of how to add blueberries to lemon bars and bake them

Let them cool for at least 30 minutes before you drizzle the melted white chocolate.

How to make a White Chocolate Drizzle

Sorry gang but I spaced out on photographing this part of the recipe.

Below is a Step by Step on the drizzle👇

  • Melt a package of white chocolate chips, I used Ghirardelli in a glass bowl. Heat up in 20-30 sec. intervals, stirring in between each interval. This should take about 2 to 3 minutes tops.
  • Once melted stir with a rubber spatula until the chocolate is smooth and creamy…it should look delicious!
  • Pour and scoop the chocolate with the rubber spatula into a plastic ziplock freezer bag. I use this freezer bag because it is thicker and stands up to heat better than a regular plastic bag.
  • Once the melted chocolate is in the bag, work the chocolate into a ball towards one corner. Seal it and then snip a small portion of the full corner making an opening to a funnel.
  • Start drizzling the chocolate over the cooled Lemon Blueberry bars. Making a decorative pattern.
  • Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.
  • Place the bars in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Tips and Tricks for Awesome Lemon Bars

Make sure you have blended all your dry crust ingredients in the processor before you add the butter.

Use cold, soft butter. Let it set for about 20 minutes at room temperature, cut into smallish cubes and then add to the food processor. If you don’t have a food processor then use a pastry cutter. 👇

Lightly grease the glass baking pan with spray oil and then finger create the crust conforming to the pan.


You will know the crust is ready when it just starts to turn golden. About 15-20 minutes at 350.

Pour the filling into the really warm crust so it will set up on the bottom.

Filling is done when it is no longer jiggly in the center.

Let cool and follow the drizzle steps above.👆

The best way I know to cut Lemon Bars is to wet a knife with warm water and cut when they are completely cooled off and chilled.

Kitchen Needs for White Chocolate Blueberry Lemon Bars

Storing White Chocolate Blueberry Lemon Bars

Refrigerating Lemon Bars is the best way to store them. Make sure they are covered with plastic or foil.

I have never put lemon bars in the freezer but I can’t imagine they would be as good as just storing them in the fridge. Plus, I doubt you would ever have any left over that would warrant freezing for later eats.

Best Times to Serve Lemon Bars

  • Mother’s Day
  • Easter
  • Fourth of July
  • Bridal Shower
  • Baby Shower
  • Birthdays
  • Any Day of The Week!

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close up of white chocolate blueberry lemon bars on an orange polka dot glass serving tray
close up of stacked white chocolate blueberry lemon bars

White Chocolate Blueberry Lemon Bars

White chocolate…Blueberries…Lemon Bars…really; what's not to drool over with this decadent twist on ordinary lemon bars. Rich, sweet puckers of love in every delicious bite on the Best shortbread crust.
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Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 50 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 24


  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice 3-4 med lemons or 2-3 large or a little more to pucker taste
  • 1 tsp Almond or Vanilla Extract I usually add Almond…so good!
  • 1/4 cup all purpose non bleached flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1 cup coconut, shredded optional
  • 1 bag white chocolate chips used for the drizzle after the bars are done and cooled


  • Whisk the sugar, flour and baking powder together.
  • Add beaten eggs to the flour mixture and whisk
  • Add lemon juice to the flour/egg mixture and whisk again making sure the lemon juice doesn't sit on the eggs.
  • Add coconut flakes if desired
  • Pour lemon filling mix on top of cooked crust.Bake for 20-25 minutes at 350° or until filling is firm and not jiggly.
  • Cool for about 30 minutes.
  • Melt chocolate chips in a glass mixing bowl in the microwave for 20-30 second intervals. Stir in between each intereval.
  • Once all chips are melted and silky smooth. Use a rubber spatula to scoop the melted chocolate into a ziplock freezer bag. With your fingers move the chocolate into one corner.
  • Snip that corner and start drizzling the white chocolate over the cooled blueberry lemon bars.
  • Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.
  • Place in the fridge for about 2 hours. Cut into serving sizes with a warm slightly wet knife.
  • Serve with whip cream if desired…Enjoy!
Keyword blueberries, easter, lemon bars, white chocolate chips
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Best Almond Shortbread Crust

Elise Austin
Shortbread crust made with sliced flour, butter, oats, confectioners sugar, slivered almonds, lemon zest
No ratings yet
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 24
Calories 230 kcal


  • food processor


  • cups all purpose flour unbleached
  • 1 cup quick oats
  • 1 cup confectioner's sugar
  • ¼ cup sliced almonds optional
  • 1 cup cold butter, 2 sticks cubed


  • Place all ingrediants in a food processor except butter. Process until just mixed. approx 15-20 seconds.
  • Add cubed butter to processor and process until just mixed and starts to ball up.
  • Place dough in a greased 9"x13" GLASS dish. Pat out with hands and fingers. Make sure you go up the sides of the dish with the dough making edges.
  • Bake at 350° for 20-25 mins. Or until just starting to turn golden on the edges.
  • Don't let it cool to much before you add the filling.


Calories: 230kcal
Keyword bar crust, cookies, pie crust, shortbread crust
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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