“Trash” Gardening
Finally January is over!! Have I told you how much I truly despise that first month of the year? Well let’s just say the only thing that’s good about it is I have a dear friend who has a January birthday…and that’s about all.
Now that it’s February I can feel some happiness is just right around the corner.
I was in Trader Joes about 2 weeks ago and stumbled on these herbs, $1.99 a piece! Can you say bargain! Cheaper than the hanging boxed variety you get in the fresh produce section… by a lot! I love that store!! Ha I should probably just live at TJ all January!
Herbs are Easy!
These cuties have lived on my window sill for the past few weeks bringing a little sweetness to some diners every now and then. Knowing they won’t live much longer (the cilantro is already looking puny) on my sill or in the small containers they came in I decided to plant them. Hopefully they will make it to the big garden in a couple of months.
Pictured above is 3 out of 4 garden ingredients I used to plant these babies. I know, it looks like a bunch of trash. Coffee grounds, worm compost, and old coffee filters; please don’t get all judgy until you hear me out.
Used Coffee grounds are really beneficial to plants, garden compost, and even as worm food. The grounds, if already wet and used, don’t really add much acidity to the soil. Most herbs don’t like acidity soil, but it does add structure for drainage.
The used coffee filters also add structure to the soil. You can never have enough of this kind of materials. It helps keep plant roots aerated and the soil around the roots loose. Hey and the filters don’t end up in the landfill being helpful to nothing but real trash!
The worm compost or vermicompost is the ultimate in food for plants. It’s 100% organic, contains nutrients that are water soluble (the organic and natural way plants feed), and enhances the microbiology of the soil. Vermicompost also aids in moisture retention making it a perfect addition for drought prone areas. I could go on and on about the benefits! Let’s just say I’m a true believer?♀️.
I’m embarrassed to say this but not to long ago these two herbs would have ended up in the trash by now. Being ignorant I would have never thought to plant these living organism.
Give Back to Mother Nature
If you don’t want to go to the effort of planting and keeping them alive before it truly is gardening season; throw them under a bush or a pile of leaves. Put them in a corner of your veggie or flower beds to decompose on site. Or better yet…start a compost pile or create a worm bin and feed them to the worms. (highlighted is an example of another type of worm bin)
“Trash” gardening is really just organic gardening. It’s using your household carbon and green waste to enhance the outdoor space your enjoy so much. Even if you don’t garden, organic trash doesn’t belong in the landfills! It belongs right where it started…in the ground adding beneficial nutrients back to Mother Nature!
As always, Enjoy!
Click here for a delicious garden fresh Cilantro Dressing!
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